Friday, July 30, 2021

Our Garden July 2021

 I hope you enjoy our garden pics as you view through them.  This garden is 30 years old and we live on 1.3 acres.  This is only our back yard and it has many years of hard toil/work done in it.  My husband and I love to garden and see beautiful plants live and thrive.  

The pic below is outside of our garage door.  You enter onto a gravel patio off the walkway.  We developed this about 8 years ago and have added a lot to it since then.  there is a brick fireplace here also that is built out of 1899 year old bricks acquired from a friend. We enjoy this fireplace in the fall, spring and winter. I think it's in one of the pictures below.

This is a pic of a cement urn filled with inpatients that is placed in the middle of a bed of ground cover.  Notice the old tools in the urn.  

Saddens myself that I can't remember the name of this plant below.  It loves the sun and has really done well this summer.

This limelight here is only a couple of years old.  It has really bloomed well this year.  I hope it just gets bigger and bigger. The grandchildren's playground is behind it.

The garden is doing so well.  We put this in last summer 2020 during the pandemic.  We love the picket fence around it.  We have planted four above ground boxes. Two have garden vegetables with squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, banana peppers, and onions. The other outside two boxes are full of flowers and blueberries.  Some are perennials and some are annuals.  We have 4 blueberry bushes and look forward to what they may do next summer.  Even though the garden is in the sun, the caladiums have really turned out well.

This is the perennial side of the garden, most have bloomed and gone, but looking forward to next spring and what the pollinators will do with this garden.

Last fall we had a porch built on our back.  Here are a few of the construction pics so you have an idea of how and where the porch sits. This was right before the side railings were completed and the roof shingles were put on.  And not painted of course.

Here is the construction so you can see how it sits in the yard right off the path of our fireplace.

The view from the back of the yard looking head on at the house.

Now looking out into the garden. We have a beautiful view! 

This is our porch patio that sits outside our porch at the den door.  After we installed the porch the grass from all the building didn't survive, so this spring we had a brick mason put in a nice little patio for us.  The two squares on each side of the path will be landscaped.  We plan to plant monkey grass around it and then down the side walk we will have Little Gem Boxwoods line the paths on each side. The color looks different but it's not.  The sun had not dried the bricks after the rain near the porch yet. In the middle of the squares there will be potted Nikko Blue Hydrangeas with pine straw in the squares.

Here is a shot of the Autumn Daisies that I moved to the garden this spring.  they have spread and really shown pretty this summer. 

This bed runs on the left side of the porch an is really mostly shade.  It's done well this year but plan to plant a few Camilla's here this fall.

This is to the right side of the porch and this Limelight Hydrangea is about 15 years old and produces every year.  

This is a view outside our bay window of the fireplace and gravel patio.  

Look at the Begonias here.  They have just filled in so nicely this summer. The ones in the pot are in with the Meyer Lemon Tree that is about 10 years old.

Well thanks for visiting our garden with us.  It was enjoyable filling you in on our small/large projects and sharing details with you.  I hope you all are enjoying your summer and having fun in the sun as you garden along side the rest of US garden lovers.  Till next time.....