Hi Everyone, it 's been a while since I have written in my blog, but thought since I was seeing all these new ideas on everyone's blogs I would also give it a try. I plan to also include a few of my embroidery/sewing projects that I have been working on, but don't have the pictures with me to do that right now, so I will be writing about my "yard/gardening" projects.
Here is a picture of my side yard near the neighbors and our brick wall that separates the property. This pic was taken last month before all the grass turned green.
So, now that you can visialize the yard and the brick wall, the bed will be like a snake along the wall about 4 feet wide. I plan to put in pink Knock Out Roses and border it again with the Monkey Grass that you see on the other beds. I hope to add two architechtual cut lattices to the backdrop as this brick fence is about 40 feet long. I'll post when I get this beautiful bed done! This will be fun!
Hi, saw your question about issues with getting pics from your iPad to your blog. The problem is Apple being so proprietary. Download an app called Blogsy and you will be good to go. It's the only way I can blog from my iPad. Good luck!